Several HTC Windows Phone 7.5 Mango Roms have just leaked on XDA-Devs. The device’s concerned are the HTC HD7 (Europe), HTC 7 Trohpy (Europe, HTC Trophy (Verizon), HTC 7 Mozart (Europe and US), and finally the HTC 7 Pro (Europe):
- HTC 7 Pro : RUU_Gold_S_HTC_Europe_3.02.401.01_Radio_5.69.09.29 a_22.50.50.21_Signed_GOLD_RELEASE.exe here
- HTC Mozart: RUU_Mozart_S_HTC_Europe_4.06.401.00_5.69.09_RELEASE.exe here
- HTC Mozart: RUU_Mozart_S_HTC_RUS_4.06.411.00_5.69.09_RELEASE.exe here
- HTC HD7: RUU_Schubert_S_HTC_Europe_4.05.401.02_Radio_5.69.09.29a_22.50.50.21_Signed_SCHUBERT_RELEASE.exe here
- HTC Trophy: RUU_Spark_S_HTC_Europe_4.06.401.00_5.69.09_RELEASE.exe here
- HTC Trophy Verizon: RUU_Spark_W_S_VERIZON_WWE_2.01.605.04_2K_new_partition_RELEASE.exe here
Continue reading: HTC HD7, HTC Trophy, HTC 7 Pro and HTC Mozart Mango Firmwares leaked